Well here I am at 12:30am still posting this, but besides all that stuff Pat woke up this morning because his arm was hurting really bad. So we find this big red swollen bump on his wrist and along with that there were red marks going all the way up his arm to his armpit. He went to the emergency room and they figured it was a spider bite, so gave him lots of medicine and sent him home. He didn't feel to bad all day because they gave him a good pain killer, but by 9:00pm tonight I was feeling that it didn't look good at all so we went back to the emergency room and they ended up giving him an IV antibiotic and he has to go in every 8 hours to get more. Its pretty scary. One guy at the hospital said it was the worst case he had seen because the infection spread all up Pat's arm. So I thought I'd keep pics of this and see how is goes. They say sometimes a spider bite can take 2 months to 2 years to heal. I can't imagine, but will keep you updated on his recovery. Yeck!
Oh' My GOOOOSSSHHHH! Why did I read that right before I was going to bed? I will NEVER be able to get to sleep! Do they know what kind-of spider it was? I bet you are checking your house out good. That is so scary! Good that it was Pat and not one of the kids, that could have been much worse. Sure hope he feels better soon! Good luck!
Anonymous, at 1:05 AM, October 02, 2005
This is such a nice picture of Pat! Ha!(Just kidding)
Cindy, at 4:57 PM, October 03, 2005
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