Just some daily activities.
Okay, okay Misty. I haven't been on the ball like you. I am so glad you even look at this and give me some comments. No one else I know ever comments. (anyone else out there?)
We had a fun weekend. Friday the kids stayed over night at my mom and dads in American Falls, and Pat and I went to a barbecue, it was so much fun. It has been great for Pat and I to go on a date once in a while. Oh yea, last week we went to the public swimming pool with some old friends of Pats. It is so cool because the one girl was Pat's girlfriend about 12 years ago and the other was a room mate he had back then. It sounds strange, but it was really fun. I didn't feel to weird, but I know Pat was a little nervous, but in the end he had fun and it was nice to hear about the old days. Between the two of them they have seven kids (whoa!). Its funny how life turns out. So today Oakley and Cedars cousins are coming to swim. We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving. They are excited. I will post some more photos of that get together later. Have a wonderful day.
Oh' FUN! So, where are the pictures of Pat's old girlfriend??? I would LOVE to see that! :) Funny! Sounds FUN! John and I just spent a night going out to a nice dinner ALONE too! It was so nice!
Glad to hear you all are doing so well! I can't wait to see more pictures! I gotta get Spirit on here! He is doing wonderful adn NEVER, EVER shut's up! He is a vocal little guy, but we LOVE him!
Anonymous, at 11:00 AM, July 20, 2005
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