Us and the World.....

Monday, January 30, 2006

I think the kids have Cabin Fever!

Well, it is Monday night Jan. 30th and I think the kids are about sick of the snow and rain and especially playing in the house. They spent about 2 1/2 hours in the garage playing basketball, practicing passes and dribbling. I guess I felt like making collages this evening, it makes it easier than posting separate pics. Posted by Picasa

Pat's new Navy tattoo.

Pat spent 4 hours Friday getting tattooed. This is the biggest and most detailed one he has. It turned out really great, but he has had a pretty sore arm all weekend. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Mariah and Cedar at Cheer Camp

Friday Cedar participated in the Highland High Cheer camp. There were about 6 other girls from her kindergarten class in her group and all together there were about 200 little girls that the cheerleaders had to teach a cheer and then perform for the JV and Varsity basketball games. They were there from 3:30 until 9:00 when the last half time was over. The cheerleaders gave them all subway at dinner time and then they got a megaphone to bring home. Cedar was lucky enough to have Mariah be one of the cheerleaders in charge of her group. I know it made her feel better and not so scared. Cedar did a great job! and Mariah was amazing with all those little cheerleaders. GO HIGHLAND RAMS! Posted by Picasa

Pat and Darold

Friday the 20th Pat went down to Salt Lake and was able to meet his half brother Darold. They have talked on the phone before but have never met in person. Darold was in Salt Lake for his job so Pat was able to go have breakfast with him and chat a little. Pat was happy for this chance to meet and said they didn't really look alike, but he noticed some similar characteristics in him. I am so glad they had a chance to visit. It is so wonderful to know your family and be able to be a part of there lives. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, January 14, 2006

"May the force be with you..."

"A long time ago in a galaxy far far away a boy of destiny was born...." Posted by Picasa


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It was nice that Chewy and Luke showed up.

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Party, Party!

We had Jedi training at our house Friday night. Oakley had his birthday party Friday. He is totally hooked on Star Wars right now. Here are a few pics of what went on. We all had a great time and Oakley had some great friends over, who were all so much fun. Thank you all for coming I know Oakley felt very special. Happy 8th Birthday, Oakley! Posted by Picasa

Cedar's lost her first tooth!

Cedar had an exciting couple of days. Wednesday while we ate dinner,she kept scraping her teeth together and we figured out her little tooth was really loose. I don't know if it got that loose from scraping it with her top tooth or from a bite of her taco, but she was so excited her friends at school have all lost a tooth and she hadn't. She was afraid to sleep because she thought it would just fall out. So she still had her tooth all day Thursday and that night we went to Steve and Nancy's for poker. From 7pm until 9pm all Cedar could do is try to get that tooth out. She got tons of advice from all of us on what to do, and she wouldn't let me tie floss around it. Finally, I at 9:30 she was so tired of it she let me tie floss around it and we told her to yank on it. She then asked me to "gently pull on it" I knew I had to get it with one pull so I just yanked, it came out and she cried a bit but nothing bad. She was so excited and was very excited for the tooth fairy. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Well, if you have checked this blog out before you will notice it changed. I just got tired of my old style of blog. This seems much brighter and nice. Hope you enjoy.  Posted by Picasa

This is JC, a little mini Montana, but she is a little girl.


Our friends got this little girl and she looks so much like a little Montana, we love her. Posted by Picasa

Welcome to the jungle. Posted by Picasa

....take a swim. Posted by Picasa

We checked out the rooms at The Black Swan Inn. Posted by Picasa

Playing Star Wars Monopoly.

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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year! 2006


We all stayed home and drank sparkling apple juice to celebrate the New Year. Hope everyone has a nice new years day. Posted by Picasa