Monday, February 20, 2006
Friday, the kids didn't have school so Pat was snowboarding with Steve and Danielle at Pebble Creek. So I drove Nancy and Oakley, Cedar and Jennifer up to Pebble and we took the sleds and cameras. It was a very cold day, but so clear outside the mountains were beautiful. We parked near the ski run so we could watch all the people go down. Oakley was dying to try snowboarding. Pat isn't sure he could teach him yet and I only know how to ski. We are looking into signing him up for a couple lessons. He has begged me every day since to take him skiing.
It has been awhile, February is going so fast I can't keep up. I don't know how you can loose control of the days and they just fly. Marty had his 50th birthday and it was a great surprise party for him. He had lots of old friends and family. Then Valentines was here and the kids had parties at school and worked hard writing cards to all there classmates. When I woke up the 14th Pat had 12 red roses, chocolates and a card all set out for me, I was very happy and surprised. The night before the kids got him some Spongebob boxers and then I got him chocolates. Oakley and Cedar had so many treats from school and then Grandma and Grandpa Linscheid sent them a little money with their valentine card. We had alot of fun spending the money, they added it to there allowance and got a few toys on sale.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Super Bowl Sunday!

These are the wonderful people who brought food and hung out with us on Sunday. We all just squished into our living room and ate yummy food and drink. I had to take a pic of the dogs laying on the couch while our friends are made to sit on the floor. (we did make the dogs get down after the pic) but they tried hard all day to get a spot on the comfy couch or chairs. The kids had a blast and were so happy to get to eat and play, pretty much whatever they wanted while we all sat in front of the TV. Thank you all for spending the day with us.

Oakley during basketball practice.

Along with the birthday party, Oakley had a basketball game Saturday also. Here is a pic of practice. Its hard for me to get a good one of him during the game because they are running so much. This was his second game and he has improved quite a bit since last game, he had alot better control of the ball and did a good job of guarding the other team.

Jenni's Birthday at Deleta

We had a busy weekend of Birthdays and the Super Bowl. The kids and I spent most of the day Saturday at the skating rink for a double birthday for our friends Jenni and Danielle. The skating was fun and then some of us played laser tag, that was a blast. Oakley did the best out of the group we went in with and he definatly kicked my butt. My score was 100 and he was over 4000. My was so low cause I got hit so much, they take points away when your hit. But it was really fun.